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Our Mission

Energy and Balance Massage Therapy is a holistic massage therapy business dedicated to providing personalized treatment plans for each client. Our unique approach combines traditional healing techniques with innovative methods to promote overall wellness. By offering services such as medical massage, reciprocal inhibition techniques, and custom blended aromatherapy oils, we strive to create a healing and relaxing experience that addresses both the physical and emotional needs of our clients. With convenient online booking and scheduling options, we make it easy for individuals to prioritize their self-care and well-being. Our mission is to provide holistic pain relief, addressing the interconnected aspects of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, and empowering individuals to achieve lasting harmony and vitality.


Balance Yourself


Stitt Chiropractic

〰️ Balance Yourself 〰️ Stitt Chiropractic


Rejuvenate Yourself


Santa Monica Healing Arts

〰️ Rejuvenate Yourself 〰️ Santa Monica Healing Arts






Intuitive and Purposeful

Massage Treatments